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    How To Add Influencers To Your Email Marketing Strategy

    Written By Jason Rowse - Digital Marketing Expert

    Updated: 09/06/2021

    Types Of Influencers 

    While there are multiple categories for segmenting these individuals such as referrers and mega influencers, here are the most relevant sets for email marketing. 

    • Micro-Influencer: A popular niche expert with 2,000 to 100,000 followers is considered a micro-influencer.  
    • Power-Middle Influencer: Called middle tier influencers, these personalities may or may not be topic experts. However, they boast a sizable fan base of up to 250,000. 
    • Macro-Influencer: Innovative creators with up to 300,000 followers on their social media channels are called macro-influencers and are famous for their high-quality content in a specific fields or markets 

    5 Ways To Work With Influencers For Your Email Campaigns 

    With over 30% of consumers relying on blogger testimonials, it is important that you create a reliable strategy.

    Read on to find out the five key ways to create innovative marketing ideas for email campaigns with popular personalities. 

    Ask Influencers To Create Honest Content

    Promoting the same product time after time might make your advertisements sound superfluous to your subscribers. This is where a good personality can add value.

    Instead of asking the individual to repeat redundant ad copy, give them the freedom to create realistic content the audience can connect with. 

    You can do so by offering the personality total creative control of the campaign. Ask them to avoid pushy or fake-sounding marketing messaging to make the content unforgettable.  

    Enhance The Email With Visual Cues

    A picture speaks a thousand words. Adding pictures to your email marketing campaign with influencers can improve readiness to engage by 80%. With a vast majority of Americans claiming that visuals make content highly digestible, there’s every reason to add it to your email marketing strategies. 

    In fact, most people believe the content to be truthful when accompanied by a picture. Ask the chosen personality to focus on catchy, relevant, and unique images. 

    Creating A Prolonged Buzz

    Tossing one of these unique personalities into your email campaign for a day won’t do the trick. You need to create a wholesome strategy that integrates the influencing personality with your marketing campaigns. 

    Start by collaborating with influential individuals to create campaigns that revolve around your brand history, vision, and values. It can help you grow a sustainable community enamored by your brand. 

    When encouraging your customers to take action, you can include creative incentives and rewards like an opportunity to meet the chosen personality. 

    Announce Influencer Collaboration On Social Media

    The one-true goal of teaming up with relevant individuals is to encourage their fans to take notice. In order to stimulate their fan base, request your chosen personality to actively announce their collaboration via their own social media channels.

    By asking the individual to promote your brand, your total sum of subscribers will increase. You can also ask this messenger to urge their fans to explore your website, sign up for newsletters, and more. 

    Long Term Consistency

    When you send emails consistently, brand awareness among prospects improves. Most readers won’t share their mailing details in return for one mail from their favorite personality. Instead, if you deliver a series of emails with the individual, the campaign will shoot through the roof.

    Scheduling your personality-based marketing content based on a set frequency also habituates audience expectations. You can discuss and establish convenient times with the influencing individual to send emails uninterruptedly in this case. 

    Bottom Line 

    Working with a personality that is well-liked by your target audience helps you connect with your readers on an honest level. Once you select from micro, power middle, or macro-influencers, you can use the five pointers above to boost your brand awareness, traffic, and credibility.