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    Is Email Marketing Dead?

    Written By Jason Rowse - Digital Marketing Expert

    Updated: 09/06/2021

    In 2020, some marketers and business owners are asking themselves if email marketing is a thing of the past. Instant messaging (IM) and social media have changed the landscape of online communication in the past decade, and there is no doubt that email has some serious competition. Here are some stats to demonstrate how things have changed since 2010:

    • The number of monthly text messages has risen by almost 8000% in the past 10 years.
    • 97% of people in the US send at least one instant message (IM) a day.
    • IM and texting are the most popular methods of communicating for Americans under the age of 50.

    On the background of these facts, it is clear that marketers would wonder about the effectiveness of emails today. The answer is in fact quite simple, and quite unanimous. 

    Email marketing is not dead. 

    99% of people check their email every day. It’s still a useful and effective tool for conveying messages and is used by most people daily, notwithstanding all the IM developments. However, there are several email marketing practices that are outdated, and can actually do damage to a campaign. 

    Read on to find out what habits are truly dead in 2020 and how to learn from them in order to leverage the power of this medium to your advantage.

    Email Marketing Don'ts

    There are dos and don’ts when it comes to any campaign. There are certain “don’ts” that are especially acute when it comes to email marketing campaigns specifically, as they can weaken your brand, harm your customers’ privacy rights, and at the very least - be simply ineffective. 

    Catch-All Subject Lines And Text

    Nowadays, the technique of communication might be more important than the method. In other words, regardless of the medium you choose, the style of messaging has changed. For example, in 2020, the practice of impersonal messages is obsolete. An email with a subject line “Dear Customer” is a dead habit that doesn’t meet the standards of email marketing today. 

    A subject line that is personal, such as “Thanks for your purchase Tom!” is the new norm and the only way to compete today. An impersonal email will be ignored, deleted, or simply missed. Always maximize the personal connection with your readers through personalized emails that use their names and are tailored to specific milestones in their customer journey. 

    Not Adhering To GDPR

    Privacy online is a major concern nowadays. Since GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) was adopted in 2016, privacy has become a right and not a preference. Moreover, people are aware of their rights more than ever; how their data is used, how long it is retained, and usage of third-parties are all questions that users ask themselves when they share their personal information. Not only is ignoring GDPR in your emails illegal, but it is actually outdated and ineffective. The reasons are twofold:

    • Adhering to GDPR adds a level of trust and credibility to your brand.
    • You will be able to send emails only to those that have opted in, thus refining your own targeting methods.

    Not Being Responsive

    Responsive websites, ads, and emails refer to media that are adapted to mobile and tablet. If a reader opens any of these across a variety of devices, the design and text should appear properly. Sending emails that are not adapted to mobile devices or tablets is one of the most outdated, wasteful, and detrimental practices today. Here are some stats to demonstrate the use of mobile today:

    • In 2019, mobile internet traffic represented 40% of all traffic.
    • Today, more emails are opened on mobile than on desktop, with 75% of people using a mobile device to do so.
    • Emails that are poorly formatted on mobile devices are likely to be deleted within 3 seconds in 70% of cases.

    Here are some common pitfalls to look out for when making sure your emails are responsive:

    1. Broken images
    2. Illegible text
    3. Misplaced elements
    4. Lack of alt text
    5. Poor formatting

    Poor Design, Layout And Speed

    Today, there is more competition than ever before. For this reason, the visuals of any email take on a whole new level of importance. A quality layout and design will create the following positive effects:

    • Your email will stand out and grab attention
    • Your brand will be strengthened
    • Your message will get across in a more effective manner

    Poorly designed emails with an illogical layout can reflect poorly on your brand and will send out a message of unprofessionalism and lack of investment in your business.
    Here is your quick checklist that will help you create visually sound emails:

    • Clear CTAs which are inviting and engaging
    • A well thought out layout which is logical and easy to understand and navigate
    • Design that is consistent with your brand

    Bottom Line

    Is email marketing dead? Far from it - when done right. Today, email marketing generates a staggering 3800% ROI, making $38 for every $1 spent on average. It is no coincidence that 93% of B2B marketers choose email marketing and that 73% of people still prefer to receive business information via email. 

    What is certainly dead is catch-all and impersonal messages, which are not adapted to mobile, that does not respect GDPR, and those that are poorly designed. From the lessons above, you can make sure that you are utilizing email marketing in the very best way to achieve your goals.