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    7 Ways To Improve Engagement Rate With Personalization

    Improve Engagement Rate With Personalization

    Written By Jason Rowse - Digital Marketing Expert

    Updated: 09/05/2021

    Personalization sets you apart from your competitors. It delivers 6x higher transactional results, an 18.8% increase in open rate, and a 20% boost in sales. It’s excellent for enhancing engagement rates and CTRs too. However, for it to really make an impact, marketing messages will need to focus on content, design, and timing. 

    Read on to find out seven ways to personalize your email marketing. 

    How To Personalize Emails For Better Engagement

    When it comes to emails, personalization demands a well-rounded strategy to produce good results. Here are the best techniques to get started. 

    Start From The Basics 

    The first thing email users notice is the greeting. Thanks to today’s advanced technologies, you can automatically add their first name, username, or company. You can do so via custom fields or through settings available on software.

    Admins can also personalize the from-address to connect familiar sales representatives with customers. Did you know over 68% of U.S. consumers open their e-messages based on the sender address? For example, Dubsat changed the ‘from name’ to the employee name that the customer is already conversing with.

    Enhance The Subject Line 

    The second thing readers see in your email is the subject line. You can customize it using the name of the receiver, location, birthday, purchases, and so forth. 

    Personalizing the subject space by using the name of the user alone can increase the open rates of campaigns by 26%. Most email software will let you add personalization tags to subject lines with a simple click. 

    Webmasters can also test different subject lines when drafting product-based messages. Whatever you decide, remember to restrict the total characters to 40. It prevents accessibility issues across different devices.

    Allow Readers To Set Delivery Frequency And Preferences Of Emails 

    Although there are industry-wide metrics, it doesn’t need to be the same for every customer on your list. The best way to enhance your electronic mail is by letting subscribers set their own frequency. You can also identify the optimal time for sending messages by trying out different weekdays and times.

    Scheduling all the messages by the popular time-zone isn’t a good idea. Marketers can circumvent this by identifying different preferences of their contact list. 

    Segment The Target Lists 

    Another way to use personalization for marketing products is by segmenting contacts. It can be based on their interests, age, gender, purchase history, location, income, industry, and so on. This will boost sales by 760%, open rate by 26%, and CTR by 59.99%. 

    You can also group recipients by their level of activity. Reengagement campaigns can engage inactive customers when personalized with promotional offers and surveys.

    Write A Short And Snappy Email Body

    Customization doesn’t have to stop with the customer’s name. 70% of millennials are annoyed with irrelevant content. Therefore, marketers will need to step it up a notch in order to appeal to all demographics. 

    You can customize content based on location, gender, interests, income, and so forth. You can supplement this by building customer personas and action triggers.

    Share Tailored Product Recommendations 

    You'll find it effortless to build trust using personalized product content. All you'll need to do is recommend relevant goods and services to users based on the user data you have.

    For example, Rocksbox uses a survey to decode the jewelry styles of customers. They then use it for suggesting relevant products of interest to the customers. You can create feedback forms to collect similar data from customers as well. 

    Leverage Dynamic Content 

    Content that changes with respect to the actions and choices of the customer is called dynamic content. By using this technique in marketing, admins can generate content respective to the user at the time of the request. 

    For example, it can generate e-messages that create urgency based on time zones, locations, or weather. Adidas also uses dynamic content in its email strategies. One popular example is its gender-exclusive product emails for male and female subscribers.

    Bottom Line 

    To help boost engagement rates, use personalization tags to add the name of the subscriber in the email and subject line. Moreover, let users set their own email frequency. 

    You’ll also want to segment contacts and customize the body of the email. Marketers can take it up a notch by generating product suggestions relevant to the recipient. The most advanced way to personalize your messages is to use dynamic content.